Thursday, September 25, 2008

In Search of Meaning

It was Viktor Frankl's  central premise that we humans, at our core, continually search for meaning in our life. It is this search that helps define who we are and  what we become. This central premise takes on new meaning as many of us move our "second self", or avatar, on to the web. There is a grave danger of forgetting who we are as we strive to become a "second self" in the virtual world. Some might get lost in the translation and therefore become devoid of what truly makes them human.

To use a term coined by William Gibson in Pattern Recognition, our life on the internet is like living in a mirror world.  It is no surprise then that Web 3.0 is about semantics.  Semantics is the study of meaning. I suggest then that this study of meaning once personalized will be revolutionary in how the first self - that self living in the physical world begins to meld with the second self - our persona on the web.

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