Sunday, October 12, 2008

Finding Meaning in Unstructured Data

Unstructured data is all the rage. There is so much of it, in company repositories and on the web. Making sense of it is the challenge at hand. Making sense of it without bias is a massive problem. I have been working on the problem for 4 years now and believe I have found a reasonable approach. My company, iQuest Analytics is releasing a grammatically driven search and discovery engine call Blue Ant. Blue Ant leverages indexed content of enterprise information repositories using a process that extracts relationships of grammar such as parts of speech, natural language processing and semantic analysis. Blue Ant lets the data speak for itself. Blue Ant elevates patterns within the content creating dynamic contextually linked data. I believe that no other unstructured data analysis tool can accurately make this claim.


Serge Guillerme said...

Hi Josh,

Making sense of unstructured data is indeed a big challenge, but accessing it is also very challenging !

My company, EntropySoft, specializes in connectors for unstructured data and information access. Check out our site and don't hesitate to contact me if our software can help you increase the number of repositories your new search and discovery engine can analyze.
We already work with Edeca, Coveo and Exalead.

Best regards.
Serge Guillerme
Marketing Manager and long-time William Gibson fan

Josh Rosenthal said...

always good to meet a Gibson fan! I will indeed take a look at your company. for us, connectors are essential to cleanly ingest and digest the data for analysis. Frankly there is so much noise and so many claims it is hard to know what is real and what is scifi. Lets talk.

Serge Guillerme said...


Thank you for your quick and positive answer.

Kindly tell me when you’ve had time to review our site (perhaps our downloadable paper on connectors can be useful) and I shall set up a presentation webconference with our CEO. Our connectors are definitely not science fiction, they are used on a daily basis by a large number of global companies. I’ll make sure that you are convinced of their reality and usefulness!

I read “Neuromancer” and “Count Zero” back in the 80’s, and since then, few things surprise me on the web ! Loved “Pattern Recognition” but did not like “Spook Country”, even if a few ideas were interesting – much favoured Chuck Palahniuk’s “Rant” (the notion of emotional remixes of recorded life experiences really sent me spinning !) – did you read it?

Let’s talk when you are ready !

Best regards.

Unknown said...

Hi Josh,

Did you have time to check out EntropySoft technology?

Any information you need I could send you?

Anyone in your company I could contact regarding our unstructured data connectors?

Thank you.
Best regards.

Josh Rosenthal said...

I have indeed and I think there might indeed be an opportunity. please feel free to give me a call. thanks for hanging in. 888-606-4500

Serge Guillerme said...

Hi Josh,

Thank you for you warm welcome on the phone.

I shall call you on Monday between 10.30 and 11.00 Eastern Time.

Have a good week end !

Best regards.


Kate Dunkin said...
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Kate Dunkin said...

Great post explaining meaning in unstructured Data Josh! I came across your blog while I was reading about unstructured data archiving and I'm so happy I did because you shared some great information with us. Thank you for posting this!